Saturday, February 23, 2008

Early but Sleep=Success!

I am slowly tapering of the decadron, which has been keeping me up at night and has made me extremely cranky during the day.

This is a relief.

My itchiness is gone; I have some dry skin where the shingles were, but that is much improved as well.

Yesterday we had a visit from a special home-program where my insurance will offer as little or as much home support as we deem necessary--this could be home nursing visits, occasional accompaniment to appointments, light help around the house, all-hours medical advice and assistance, and the social workers are helping to look into transportation options that might be a good idea for now. They were incredibly nice, and I'll be interested to see if I can actually think of stuff I'd like help with.

I like to be independent, so it's tough for me to think of things for people to come do, although if somebody wants to vacuum, I could totally get behind that!

We also went to a lawyer's office yesterday where we got help setting up some basic documents that everyone should have. This I don't like thinking about, but it's useful for people to have power of attorney and wills and living trusts and what not. I found the experience refreshingly non-smarmy, and it's good to have things arranged even if they're unpleasant to think about.

We also stopped at Zingerman's again--this time the potato salad was swiss and we got some excellent macaroni and cheese. The deli seems weird to find if you're not pedestrian, but we will make a heroic effort to take any guests there who come and visit. I swear to you, the food really is phenomenal.

Monday is my last radiation visit (for now, although the neuro-onc, Dr. Lisa Rodgers, did indicate she would speak to Dr. Hayman about whether two lesions in my spine needed to be addressed before they begin intruding with my spinal column).

Monday is also Brian and my second wedding anniversary. :D

We both failed to believe when we got married that I would get to this point. I am so very happy to be wrong. Celebration, alas, will have to wait for a day Brian is not doing his practicum at Plymouth Public Library. It's his last semester in the LIS program at Wayne State, and I'm so very proud of what he's accomplished.

We will celebrate Wednesday, I think.

We also totally forgot about Baxter's birthday on the 21st, but he'll be getting a nice, juicy bone on Sunday so maybe he won't mind.

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